Shared Practice


An unpracticed faith eventually withers and dies, while a faith cultivated by Spirit-led practices blossoms into life. Shared Practices provide us with the spiritual means to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18) together.

We desire to be whole-life disciples transformed by the way of Jesus. This goes beyond just knowing about Jesus and participating in a few church activities a month. Our heart at The Parks is that every single aspect of our lives would be surrendered to the will of God, not our own, and that we would trust his vision for living well.

Jesus declared, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” In other words, with everything! Christ graciously redeemed us from sin on the cross and freed us to do just that. And by his life, he provided the perfect example of living in full submission to the Father. From solitude to Sabbath to prayer, he was always intentionally creating space to abide with the Father.

In these Shared Practices, we follow his way, his rhythms, making space for the renewing presence of God. Some of these simple practices will help us resist specific temptations and distractions while others will encourage us to engage our loving God, to take off sin and put on Christ (Romans 13:14). By practicing these together, we create a community of encouragement and accountability that is ideal for faith to grow deep roots and bear good fruit. Prayerfully join our pursuit of God through these Shared Practices.


Download the 2022 Shared Practice Cards