Our Beliefs
Family Traits
We Submit to the King
The King has arrived, and his name is Jesus! We joyously give our loyalty to him and hope in his just reign.
We choose to sit under the Word, taking a posture of receptivity and humility, and recognize it as our final authority on faith and life.
We desire to be a community that knows Jesus so intimately and has experienced his grace so richly that we cannot help but overflow with praise and do everything to his glory.
We Seek the Kingdom
As Jesus’ rule advances in those he has redeemed from sin, his Spirit nurtures us in love and peace, beauty and truth, mercy and healing, humility and faithfulness, unity and diversity — the characteristics of the Kingdom.
We journey along the path of discipleship over the course of our entire life, being transformed by the Spirit as we practice the way of Jesus.
We intentionally foster healthy, God-glorifying families. We also hope to cultivate a community of belonging in which every person is welcomed into God’s family of mutual love and care.
We Serve the Common Good
We pursue the common good of society by modeling a community of truth and love, serving Jesus faithfully in every sphere of our lives, and doing justice and mercy.
In word and deed, we proclaim the good news of Jesus, calling people to place their faith in Christ alone, repent of their sin, and receive the redeeming grace of Jesus through his Holy Spirit.