Formation Ministries

Christ transforms us from the inside out, giving us a new heart and renewing our minds by his Spirit. We train our inner life so that we would be equipped to build for his Kingdom.

Through the renewal of our minds, affections, and will by the Holy Spirit, we are better able to discern the will of God from the will of the enemy, distinguishing good from evil. We cannot hope to avoid the allure of the ever-changing wisdom of the age without growing in the grace and knowledge of God.

Studies & Classes

Bible Studies

We desire to listen to the Scriptures well, studying them diligently and receiving them in humility as what they are: God’s Word to us. Our studies typically go through a book of the Bible verse by verse, teaching us how to observe its teaching closely, interpret it rightly, and apply it faithfully to our hearts and lives.

All of us come to the Word with our own personal and cultural blinders. Together, we learn to take these off so that Scripture itself can become the lens through which we view the world.


If you have questions about Christianity or are new to the faith, we encourage you to walk through Foundations, an introduction to the basics of the gospel, Christian beliefs, and whole-life discipleship.

Since we have inherited many false understandings of the Christian faith from culture, Foundations will help to orient us to the true Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer of all things.

In development!


Just as trees require deep roots to flourish, so do Christians. ROOTS is a series of classes designed to move us past a simple familiarity with the Bible and theology and to deepen our understanding of God and the Word and world he has authored. Through instruction, study, discussion, and prayer, we hope to more faithfully integrate the gospel into all areas of our lives. The ROOTS classes are:

Biblical Story: Recovering the grand narrative of the Bible and learning to situate every biblical text — and our own lives — in God’s story of creation, fall, redemption, and new creation.

Christian Doctrine: Forming true and consistent thoughts about God, ourselves, and the world from the drama of Scripture.

Living in the Kingdom: Exploring a framework to see the world with Kingdom vision and engage culture with Kingdom values.

*Classes occur as time and space are available.

Worship & Prayer

The church is at its core a worshiping community, a people gathered to glorify God by enjoying his goodness and grace. Our hearts are especially cultivated to worship the triune God through singing and praying. So, outside our regular Sunday worship gathering, we regularly meet for men’s and ladies Worship Nights throughout the year.

Renewal and revival have always been preceded by an intensification of prayer. For that reason, we open up the Commons every week for Tuesday Prayer from 6:30 AM to 8:30 AM or from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.