Prayer of Confession: Week of November 7

During your time of daily prayer, confess (1) that you are a sinner, naming specific sins, and (2) that Jesus is your only Savior and Lord.

When God confronted Adam after his sin, Adam’s first response was to blame Eve. Eve in turn blamed the serpent. And ever since, humanity has attempted to hide from the reality that we are sinners; our nature is corrupt and broken. Telling ourselves that we are good deep down does not make it so but rather prevents true healing from taking place. In confessing our sin, we are in a sense exposing our wounds. But in confession Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, we acknowledge that the Great Physician is healing those wounds by his death and resurrection.


Although you can offer a prayer of confession any time of day, a short prayer in the morning helps frame your entire day in the truth and love of God. It allows you to set down your pride and self-importance and receive the sanctifying grace of Christ.

Because it goes against our nature to admit our wrongs, praying a pre-written prayer can assist you in identifying the many ways in which we sin (and thus the great extent to which Christ saves us). Psalm 51 is a great place to begin. You can also view prayers here and here.

You might also consider journaling your prayer. This also allows you to really see your sin, acknowledge it, and release it to the saving work of God.


Daily Reading: November 7


Daily Reading: November 5