Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (12:1-3)

Looking to Jesus allows us to experience hope and joy and perseverance in the face of any weight or sin that would deter us from eternal life with God.

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Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (11:32-40)

Victory in the Christian life comes by faith in Jesus Christ, but that victory does not always look like we want or expect. It is deeper and more lasting.

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Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (11:17-22)

Why does God test his people? And how can we demonstrate faith in those times of testing? Why does it matter that we do, in fact, demonstrate faith?

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Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (10:35-11:3)

Only a fully formed faith, set on the goodness of God and upheld by his Word and Spirit, can secure the hope we need to press through the shadow of despair.

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Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (10:26-39)

Submission and surrender to Jesus — true salvation, real preserving and persevering salvation — is proven over time and testing.

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Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (10:24-25)

Becoming a truly Christianity community involves more than merely gathering (though it doesn't require less!).

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Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (10:19-25)

Contending for the faith, running more deeply into Christ, is a community project.

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Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (9:1-28)

What makes Jesus’ sacrifice so incredible? Among other things, we recognize that only his shed blood could purify our guilty consciences once for all.

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