Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (8:1-13)

God shoulders the success of the covenant he makes with his people and shoulders the failure of those who break the covenant.

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Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (7:20-28)

What is Jesus doing right now? Interceding for those who draw near to God through him, who are covered by his blood, offering them a permanent, exhaustive, and perfect salvation. How does his constant intercession change the believer's perspective on life?

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Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (7:1-8)

Because Jesus is a greater priest-king than Melchizedek, he has the power and authority to make us righteous and give us peace.

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Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (6:4-9)

Rather than asking "Can I lose my salvation?" perhaps we should ask, "Am I truly saved?" The fruit of repentance, faith, and obedience, more than religious experiences, will help us answer that question honestly.

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Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (5:11-6:8)

Spiritual maturity doesn't happen by accident but by wisdom and discernment gained over time through practice.

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Keith Menard Keith Menard

Hebrews (4:14-5:10)

Jesus is the ultimate advocate to the Father, the ultimate sacrifice for sin, and our sympathetic great high priest. This changes everything.

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Messages Keith Menard Messages Keith Menard

Hebrews (3:7-19)

The possibility of seeing God's works without knowing his ways plagued the ancient Israelites as much as it plagues us today, and the same call echoes through the generations of God's people: "Do not harden your hearts!"

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Messages Keith Menard Messages Keith Menard

Hebrews (2:10-18)

Jesus unashamedly enters into our world of suffering, graciously gathers us as his brothers and sisters, and victoriously leads us, through his perfect sacrifice, to life with God.

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Messages Keith Menard Messages Keith Menard

Hebrews (2:5-9)

Although we don't always know why suffering presses and crushes us, we have an eternal king, Jesus Christ, who tasted death so that we might taste life.

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Messages Keith Menard Messages Keith Menard

Hebrews (2:1-4)

The tides of life can cause our affections for and devotion to Jesus Christ to drift slowly away. How can we wake up to the reality of spiritual drift and fight against it?

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