Daily Reading
TPC Reads, our daily Bible reading plan, runs on a two-year cycle, Part 1 and Part 2, with daily readings from the Old Testament, a Psalm or Proverb, and the New Testament.
These cannot replace the regular in-person gathering of God’s people. But if you’ve missed a Sunday or want to re-listen to a past message, listen here.
Family Resources
It is both the privilege and responsibility of parents to bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). One of the clearest pictures of this in the Bible is found in Deuteronomy 6:5–7
Theology & Spiritual Formation
The internet is full of resources about the Bible, theology, spiritual formation, and more. Some of it is sound and can benefit your walk with the Lord, and some of it…not so much. We’ve pulled together some of our favorite resources (available online or in print) to help you parse through the theological noise.
Adoption & Foster Care
We each have a vital part to play in the Biblical mandate to care for vulnerable children.
Global Resources
This resource page exists to expose a few often-overlooked areas in which God’s redeeming grace is in desperate need and to guide our thinking, prayer, and acting as his agents.