Daily Reading: August 22
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Meditate on God: Week of August 22
Write down one true thing about God every day and meditate on this attribute or work of God.
Write down one true thing about God every day and meditate on this attribute or work of God.
Often without our being aware, images and songs, symbols and speeches, and the habits and patterns of our life dance before our imagination, shaping us to place ourselves at the center of our universe, the power that can create our own reality, that can shape our own destiny. But we make poor gods. And so we must fill our imagination with visions of the true God revealed in the pages of Scripture and the person of Jesus Christ. By setting our minds on him, we begin to counter the self-centeredness of our culture and to turn our focus — and ultimately our trust and hopes — to him.
The most effective way to do this (so that we do not simply write down what we think is true about God but what is actually true about him) is to pray that the Holy Spirit would reveal himself to you through the Word. Then, as you read Scripture, be sensitive to what the Lord says about himself. Does the passage of Scripture you choose to read state an explicit attribute of God? If not, ask questions like: What kind of promises does he make or fulfill? What does he desire for his people? How does he respond to the faithful? The unfaithful? Are there particular images or metaphors used to describe him?
(You can also consider this list of characteristics of God with brief definitions and corresponding Scriptures.)
As the Lord reveals himself in his Word, allow your imagination to marinade in that particular attribute or work. There isn’t one specific way to do this, but here are a few things to consider:
Envision God with that attribute. Really picture him as loving or almighty or eternal.
Consider other Scriptures that speak of that attribute. Does anything else that you have heard or read about that aspect of God come to mind?
Ask yourself what it really means that God is X. Think through the implications. Ask, “If God is X, then…”
Think about how that attribute is expressed throughout Scripture. How has it been expressed in your life?
What affections fill you as you ponder upon God? Why is that? Sit on these things.
Think about the things you tend to make god. How do they stack up?
If we are called to godliness, how does your life compare?
How would your life change if you really believed that God was truly merciful, just, or all-wise?
You might make a resolution to do something in particular to bring your life into line with the truth you are meditating upon.
Pray a prayer of praise or thankfulness, or confess the ways in which you neglect or turn from God.
If you find that your mind wanders, do not worry about it. Simply acknowledge that your mind has wandered then turn back to filling your mind with truth about God.
Daily Reading: August 20
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Daily Reading: August 19
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Daily Reading: August 18
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Daily Reading: August 17
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Daily Reading: August 16
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Daily Reading: August 15
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Prayer of Adoration: Week of August 15
During your time of daily prayer, offer a prayer of adoration, worshipping and praising God for who he is.
During your time of daily prayer, offer a prayer of adoration, worshipping and praising God for who he is.
Every deep relationship requires that we acknowledge the worth of the other person whose fellowship we enjoy. Offering compliments and praise reminds us of their value and completes our enjoyment of their fellowship. This is why Jesus taught his disciples to pray as he did. Purposefully acknowledging the infinite worth of God — “hallowed be your name” — steers our hearts away from adoring ourselves and other creatures, reveals that our heart has truly grasped the magnificence of “our Father in heaven,” and allows us to rest more deeply in fellowship with him.
First, we should observe that in adoration, we acknowledge the marvelous attributes and works of God. These are words of praise focused solely on honoring God apart from any particular circumstances. To adore God is simply to express what is true about him. This in turn functions as a sort of gateway to other forms of prayer like confession, thanksgiving, and petition. For example,
Adoration: God, you are great, and there is no one like you.
Confession: Lord, I fail to recognize your greatness and constantly try to build up my own reputation and success.
Thanksgiving: I thank you that there is none greater than you and that I can have confidence in your care of me.
Petition: My troubles are overwhelming, but I know that you are greater, Lord. So please rescue me from my suffering.
Second, if adoration is praising God for who he is, or what is true about him, we can pick any of his attributes and works and express these back to him. (Not that he needs our validation, but this completes our enjoyment of him just as it complete one’s enjoyment of one’s partner to express to them, “You are beautiful” or “You are handsome.”) So explore in prayer God’s holiness, self-sufficiency, omnipotence, grace, love, justice, truthfulness, and more. Helpful resources include:
Praying the Attributes of God by Rosemary Jensen (Follow the link to see a preview of seven chapters. This also demonstrates how each attribute is rooted in Scripture and leads to other forms of prayer.)
The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer (The link provides the full text of the book. Each chapter begins and ends with a prayer concerning an attribute of God.)
“Praying the Names and Attributes of God” (This article lists thirty names of attributes of God with simple definitions and relevant Scripture.)
Third, besides the Word-made-flesh, there is no better teacher of prayer than the written Word to enlarge your vocabulary for prayer.
As you read Scripture, ask yourself what that passage reveals about God, and turn this into praise.
Take a look at specific prayers of adoration by God’s faithful like Moses (Exodus 15:1-18), Hannah (1 Samuel 2:1-10), Isaiah (Isaiah 40:9-31), Mary (Luke 1:46-55), Paul (Ephesians 1:3-14), or the angels in heaven (Revelation 4:8, 11; 5:9-14).
The Psalms, what some have called the Bible’s prayerbook, contain innumerable prayers of worship throughout. Some that focus on adoration include Psalm 8, 18, 24, 29, 33, 34, 36, 46, 47, 65-68, 84, 89-100, 103-107, 111, 113-118, 121, 130, 135-136, 139, and 144-150. Make these your own prayers.
Daily Reading: August 13
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Daily Reading: August 12
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Daily Reading: August 11
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Daily Reading: August 10
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Daily Reading: August 9
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Daily Reading: August 8
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Sabbath: Week of August 8
One day this week, rest from your normal activities and engage in a refreshing or restorative activity.
One day this week, rest from your normal activities and engage in a refreshing or restorative activity.
Our constant doing and connecting trains us to believe that the world needs us to function. The weekly practice of Sabbath, however, teaches us that God sustains the world and that we don’t. To make a countercultural embrace of our limitations, we stop our usual work for one day of rest. Sabbath is a gospel practice because it reminds us that the world doesn’t hang on what we can accomplish, but rather on what God has accomplished for us.
(The Common Rule, adapted)
Think about what your average day consists of — checking emails, making phone calls, cleaning the house, running errands, etc. For one twenty-four-hour period, refrain from these activities. Consciously step away from the noise and bustle of daily life.
Resting does not necessarily entail refraining from all activity. (Remember that Jesus healed on the Sabbath!) Plan to do something refreshing. That will look different for every person and family and might include arranging an extended period in the Word or in prayer, spending time with friends, grabbing a good book, or heading to the park.
Some Christian leaders have recognized that, since we have a body and a mind, our Sabbath rest ought to refresh that part of us that lies stagnant throughout the week. That is, if you tend to work with your hands, something restful or restorative will engage the mind, and if your work involves a lot of brain power, consider a more physical activity.
Daily Reading: August 6
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Daily Reading: August 5
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Daily Reading: August 4
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.
To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.
Daily Reading: August 3
Today’s Scripture Reading
Reflection and Prayer
What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?
How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?
What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?
How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?
These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.