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Shared Practice Michael Key Shared Practice Michael Key

Time of Meditation: Week of May 9

Several days this week, meditate on a passage of Scripture for 10-15 minutes.

Several days this week, meditate on a passage of Scripture for 10-15 minutes.

Many ideas, stories, people, and experiences capture our minds and imaginations, promising us joy, fulfillment, identity, and more. Because these promises are not founded on infinite love and faithfulness and truth, they will inevitably disappoint us and leave us lost and confused. But God is, in fact, infinitely loving and faithful, and his promises are “a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul” (Heb 6:19). By filling our minds with his Word, his promises seep into our imaginations and hearts so that we long for and are satisfied in the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).

Most will find it helpful first to set a specific time to spend in meditation. Then, pick one passage to meditate on throughout the week, or pick a number of passages. If you don’t know where to begin, take a look at the TPC Daily Reading plan. If you read all the selections on a given day, set apart some time to meditate on a smaller passage within that day’s readings. The idea here is not simply to read but to chew on and digest and be filled with God’s Word.

(Notice the difference between Eastern meditation and biblical meditation. In Eastern meditation, one attempts to center oneself or empty one’s mind. In biblical meditation, one fills one’s mind with the truth of Scripture.)

If you’ve never practiced biblical meditation, here are some tips:

  1. Read the passage slowly. 

  2. As you read, pay attention to the various aspects of the passage. What is God doing? What role does his Anointed One play? How are the effects of sin being undone? What does God reveal about a restored universe? How do his people respond? You may want to reread the passage multiple times.

  3. Allow your imagination to swim in the passage or even a few verses. Make its descriptions and images come to life. Really place yourself into the passage as far as possible.

  4. Take account of the ways in which the passage interacts with you. Does it challenge your thinking, cause you to worship or wonder, convict you of sin? Process these things, and turn your thoughts and feelings into prayer.

If you find that your mind wanders, do not worry about it. Simply acknowledge that your mind has wandered then turn back to filling your mind with truth.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: May 7


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: May 6


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: May 5


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: May 4


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: May 3


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: May 2


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Shared Practice Michael Key Shared Practice Michael Key

Hospitality: Week of May 2

Open up your home to one or more people who are outside your normal friend group.

Open up your home to one or more people who are outside your normal friend group.

We are creatures; God is the Creator. We are sinners; God is holy. Despite these differences, God took on our nature, died for our sins, and welcomed us into his family. He did not ignore us, look down on us with contempt, or entirely exclude us from his presence forever. Rather, he displayed divine hospitality, making room for and befriending strangers and sinners. He now invites us to do the same, extending his welcoming love to others. As we practice opening our doors to others, we learn to resist our tendency towards both self-centeredness and tribalism (the us-versus-them mentality) because it becomes part of our regular rhythm of life to engage our world in love, transforming strangers and outcasts into friends through the grace of Christ working itself out in every interaction.

We must recognize, firstly, that practicing hospitality is not the same as entertaining guests. Jen Wilkin breaks down the differences concisely:

  • Entertaining is always thinking about the next course. Hospitality burns the rolls because it was listening to a story.

  • Entertaining obsesses over what went wrong. Hospitality savors what was shared.

  • Entertaining, exhausted, says “It was nothing, really!” Hospitality thinks it was nothing. Really.

  • Entertaining seeks to impress. Hospitality seeks to bless.

That last point is essential. Hospitality is not about creating the “perfect” evening with a spotless house and culinary masterpiece. It’s about making your home feel like home to others, especially those who look and think and act differently.

This will come naturally to some and be more of a struggle for others, but all of us can prayerfully take steps towards cultivating a heart of hospitality.

  1. Start with prayer. Pray that the Lord would give you a generous, hospitable heart that desires to welcome the stranger, and pray that he would direct you to specific “others” whom you can befriend and love.

  2. List out ways in which people might differ from you (e.g., age, gender, nationality, political affiliation, life stage, health choices, tastes/likes, neighborhood, etc.). Is the Lord leading you to reach out to someone who is different or “other” in one of the ways you listed?

  3. Prayerfully find a specific person or persons who is “other,” and invite them into your home. 

  4. Open up your home and make them feel not as a guest but as a friend.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: April 30


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: April 29


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: April 28


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: April 27


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: April 26


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: April 25


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Shared Practice Michael Key Shared Practice Michael Key

Expand Your Knowledge: Week of April 25

Enlarge your wonder at the wisdom of God by expanding your knowledge of his world in one particular subject.

Enlarge your wonder at the wisdom of God by expanding your knowledge of his world in one particular subject.

Humans struggle with the sin of arrival. We too often believe that we have arrived — that all the mysteries of creation have been revealed, that we know all there is to know. In mastering a few subjects or skills, we act as masters of the universe. In reality, the universe overflows with complexity and beauty beyond what our tiny minds can apprehend, and the Creator, who spoke it all into being, must surely surpass his creation in grandeur. So when we set our minds to explore some aspect of God’s world that lies outside our current understanding and expertise, we remind ourselves not only of our limited capacities but also of his infinite wisdom in devising such an incredibly vast world.

This practice is fairly simple: Pick a subject — as broad as “music” or as specific as “the impact of different materials in making acoustic guitars.” Designate some time to learn. Find a credible source (an article, a book, a video). Dig in. Reflect on the wisdom and greatness of God.

You may find this beneficial to make this a communal practice. Gather a group of friends to learn about something, and discuss your insights together. Or do a sort of knowledge exchange with a friend who has a different area of expertise. This would not only promote accountability but also help us keep the practice God-centered as we reflect together on the wisdom of God evident in our newly discovered subject.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: April 23


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: April 22


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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Daily Reading Michael Key Daily Reading Michael Key

Daily Reading: April 21


Today’s Scripture Reading

Reflection and Prayer

  • What do these passages reveal about God, and how can his revealed character cause me to praise him, give him thanks, or wonder at his mystery?

  • How does God speak into the historical situation of the original readers and work to bring about his redemption in Jesus Christ? How does this build my trust in God's ability to fulfill his promises regardless of my present circumstances?

  • What sins do these passages expose that I need to confess before the Lord? In response to the grace of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit, how am I to think, act, and worship differently, putting off my sin and putting on Christ's righteousness?

  • How do these passages challenge the ways I typically engage my spheres of influence? How do they encourage me to live in the Kingdom of God and pray for the redemption of all things?


These passages follow the TPC daily Bible reading plan, which leads us as a community through the full breadth of God’s Word over the course of two years. For more information, click here.

To receive these readings to your inbox, sign-up with your email using the link below.

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