Time of Silence: Week of Mar 14

Spend 15-30 minutes each day in silent reflection away from distractions.

We live in a loud age. White noise envelopes us from the house to the car to work to the store and everywhere in between. All of the noise demands our attention, distracting us from the inner workings of our hearts and minds and, more importantly, from the voice of God, who often speaks with “the sound of a low whisper (1 Kings 19:12). Intentional moments of silence allow us the opportunity to hone in on that voice, to pay special attention to his words rather than the competing calls for our hearts.

Decide on an appropriate time of day. Let any necessary individuals know that you will be unavailable for a short time. Turn off or silence phones, computers, TVs, music players, etc. You might find it helpful to find a place of solitude, whether in your home, in a closed office, or at a park.

In that time, silence your own voice, and ask the Spirit to speak. Or, meditate on a passage or verse of Scripture or on an attribute of God. When your mind begins to wander, do not be discouraged. Acknowledge that your attention has strayed and refocus on listening or meditating.

Commit with another person to practice this discipline and hold each other accountable.


QUESTIONS: What is human flourishing?


Daily Reading: March 12