One Act of Service: Week of July 25

Commit to serving a person or group, preferably outside of your household, at least once this week.

Before Jesus gave his life, he, the Son of God, stooped to wash the dirty feet of his disciples. While our culture might occasionally celebrate some displays of service, by and large we encourage people to serve or please or express themselves, to fight to be on top, to join the “in” crowd. Life centers on our self in competition with every other self. By making concerted efforts to serve others regularly, we resist this self-centered way of living and learn to walk in the humble, feet-washing way of Jesus.

Do not plan that your act of service should be recognized (that’s serving for selfish reasons) or that you should in some way be paid back (that’s serving to manipulate) or that it will necessarily make you feel good about yourself in the moment (again, selfish reasons). Do pray fervently that the Holy Spirit would open your eyes to see a need, for whomever that might be, and meet that need, whatever that might look like.

Richard Foster recognizes at least nine different kinds of service (Celebration of Discipline, 134-140). Here are a few. Consider choosing one that goes beyond your general comfort level:

  • Service of small things: Assisting someone in a seemingly simple manner; active helpfulness

  • Service of reputation guarding: Serving another by not contributing to and shutting down gossip or slander

  • Service of common courtesy: Showing someone’s value by treating them kindly and respectfully, especially those who are more often neglected

  • Service of hospitality: Opening up your home and life to others

  • Service of bearing another’s burden: Praying for and walking alongside another in distress; active empathy

  • Service of sharing words of life: Encouraging and building up others; sharing the Word of Life

Commit with another person to practice this discipline and hold each other accountable.


Daily Reading: July 26


Daily Reading: July 24