Journal Scripture: Week of July 4

Journal a reflection on one passage of Scripture this week.

The history of God’s people is littered with examples of people forgetting and failing to apply God’s Word. Journaling cannot cure us of that by any means, but writing down our meditations on Scripture presses God’s revelation more deeply into our hearts. In journaling, we are forced to be more attentive and to wrestle with what God is saying rather than gloss over the text. And we are forced to reckon with ourselves, identifying the ways in which the text is convicting us of sin, encouraging us to give praise and thanksgiving, or calling us to greater dependence on the Lord.

There is no right or wrong way to journal, but the HEAR method (Highlight, Explain, Apply, Respond) is a helpful way of listening to the Word of God intently and responding faithfully. In the HEAR journaling method, we begin by praying that the Spirit would give us insight and by reading the passage carefully. We then create four sections in our journal and consider the following questions in each section. (The point is not to answer each question but to allow these questions to guide our reflection.) 


  • What verse(s) stand out the most to you? 

  • Write out the verse including its reference.

  • Give a title to that section of Scripture in your own words.


  • What is the author’s intended meaning in the context of the passage?

    • To whom was it written and why?

    • How does it fit with the verses before and after it?

  • What does the passage reveal about God? About his people? About humanity?

  • How does the passage relate to the overarching story of Scripture, centered on Jesus Christ?

  • Do any other Scriptures come to mind that aid your understanding of this passage?


  • What is God revealing to me, as someone saved by faith in Jesus?

  • How does this passage deepen my understanding of and trust in God and his promises?

    • How does it cause me to worship, wonder, and give thanks?

    • What is it calling to remembrance about him that I often forget?

  • How is it directing my desires, thoughts, and action?

    • What sins, false idols, or misguided desires does it expose that I need to confess?

    • What values of God’s Kingdom is it calling me to exhibit?

    • Are there commands to obey or examples to follow?


  • How will I respond to this passage? 

  • How will I engage my spheres of influence this week differently because of this passage?

  • How will this passage affect my thought and prayer life?

  • Write out your specific call to action or a specific prayer.


Daily Reading: July 5


Daily Reading: July 3