Hebrews (11:17-22)
Why does God test his people? And how can we demonstrate faith in those times of testing? Why does it matter that we do, in fact, demonstrate faith?
Hebrews (10:35-11:3)
Only a fully formed faith, set on the goodness of God and upheld by his Word and Spirit, can secure the hope we need to press through the shadow of despair.
Hebrews (10:26-39)
Submission and surrender to Jesus — true salvation, real preserving and persevering salvation — is proven over time and testing.
Hebrews (10:24-25)
Becoming a truly Christianity community involves more than merely gathering (though it doesn't require less!).
Hebrews (10:19-25)
Contending for the faith, running more deeply into Christ, is a community project.
Hebrews (9:1-28)
What makes Jesus’ sacrifice so incredible? Among other things, we recognize that only his shed blood could purify our guilty consciences once for all.
Hebrews (8:1-13)
God shoulders the success of the covenant he makes with his people and shoulders the failure of those who break the covenant.
Hebrews (7:20-28)
What is Jesus doing right now? Interceding for those who draw near to God through him, who are covered by his blood, offering them a permanent, exhaustive, and perfect salvation. How does his constant intercession change the believer's perspective on life?
Hebrews (7:1-8)
Because Jesus is a greater priest-king than Melchizedek, he has the power and authority to make us righteous and give us peace.
Hebrews (6:4-9)
Rather than asking "Can I lose my salvation?" perhaps we should ask, "Am I truly saved?" The fruit of repentance, faith, and obedience, more than religious experiences, will help us answer that question honestly.