Connect Pathway

We believe that real relational intimacy and deep spiritual growth occur best in the context of commitment with believing brothers and sisters in a local church. Christ saves sinners to become one body, one temple, one family that glorifies God and bears his image rightly. He doesn’t save us to join a voluntary association which makes us simply feel good about ourselves and which we can abandon when the tough work of relationship building confronts us. That’s consumerism, not Christianity.

By encouraging those looking to connect at TPC to journey with us into Covenant Partnership, we hope to resist this cultural tendency and to foster instead the kind of community that truly follows the way of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit, experiencing God’s renewal in all areas of our lives.


Attend & Meet


Sunday Gathering

Located in the heart of downtown McKinney, we gather on Sundays in the McKinney Performing Arts Center at 9:00a and 10:45a.

Connection Card

If you’re new or just haven’t gotten plugged in, please take a second to fill out a Connection Card. Someone from our team would love to get in touch!

Meet Others

Check Church Center to see all of our upcoming fellowship opportunities.

Don’t forget that Connection Sunday is once every quarter!


 Learn & Grow


Adult Ministries

Men’s and Ladies’ ministries exist to foster community and build whole-life disciples of Jesus Christ through gatherings and Bible studies throughout the year.

The Marriage ministry regularly hosts retreats and outings and offers marital and pre-marital counseling.

Check the calendar for upcoming events.

ROOTS Classes

ROOTS is a series of classes that seeks to cultivate our faith by providing a context for believers to deepen their understanding of God, his Word, and world he has authored and to integrate the gospel practically into their lives through discussion and prayer.

Check the calendar to sign up for the next class.

Praxis Groups

Gathered in homes and around tables all over the city, Praxis Groups direct us to commune with God, seek his Kingdom, and practice the way of Jesus by encouraging spiritual growth, a sense of family, mutual care, service, and mission.

To join a group, first attend the Intro to Praxis class, held in January and August. See the calendar for the next class.


 Practice & Serve



Any time The Parks Church gathers, we need serving partners. It takes a community of people to set up and tear down, welcome visitors, sing with kids, and mentor students among many other roles.

By serving in these areas, we demonstrate our love for one another and move away from “me”-centered models of church.


As we witness to the goodness of God outside of church gatherings, we serve others in our homes and at our jobs. But we also find that to combat the effects of sin, other ministries and nonprofits need our service.

See our Initiatives page to learn more about how we partner with other organizations and ministries to serve the common good.


Commit & Deepen


Covenant Partnership

We encourage those who call TPC their church home and who desire to follow Jesus in all areas of their life to enter into Covenant Partnership in order to signify their commitment to the expansion of the Kingdom through the work of this church.

To learn more, register for the next Covenant Partnership class, held in January and July.

Leader Training

We want to be a church that equips the saints to do the work of ministry (Eph 4:12), cultivating the gifts and callings of Covenant Partners in order to build up a healthy, God-glorifying church.

Contact Michael Key for more information.